VIP is NOT a large corporation with a separate Senior Motion Graphics Designer, Sound Engineer, Office Manager, or a Senior Producer.... it's little ol' me, Darren Gaeton Leary. Now I do have people that work for me, that I rely on, but I don't need to pretend we're some large national production company making Super Bowl commercials! I've run this business since 2006. I've been a part of multiple and many various productions. Whether running the production with VIP or as a freelance production assistant, I've seen and been a part of countless productions. On the side, I've worked for the Philadelphia Sixers as a camera op, Flyers as the in-game editor and camera op, and Phillies as a camera op, game-in-progress lead operator, and scoreboard operator. I've even helped run the strange empty (well cardboard filled) stadium this past year in 2020. Below is just a few fun experiences I've had or jobs I've done. I look forward to helping you with yours!

Collegiate Athletics
Villanova, Delaware, Rowan University

2012 Winter Classic
Remote cameramen.
I had the Flu as well that wknd!

2017 NFL Draft
Actually working for Arizona Cardinals, in charge of live feed directly to Tempe, AZ!

Rock Legends Cruise
Every year in Jan or Feb, I'm in charge of the pool deck video.
A lot of fun!!

Live Concerts
Disco Biscuits, Diplo, Zedd, Hunter Hayes, etc.

Lingerie Football League
2009 Contributor to the Philadelphia Passion

Glou. Co. Education
I do a lot of side work for Rowan College of SJ, GCIT, & the GCSSSD